been riding the 5'6" fish setup as a thruster for my last few sessions and it's been really fun. not quite as fast but a lot more control than the quad setup when linking turns, less slipping and sliding through cutbacks. had a really fun session this morning, waves were small but punchy and lined up. i was catching a lot of long rides and in a pretty good rhythm. my last wave of the session was a beaut, took off behind the peak and bottom turned around the first section, hit a snappy turn off the top and then a smooth cutback. it continued to wall up pretty steep and i raced down the line towards the closeout and popped a clean frontside air and actually tweaked it out a little, landing in the flats before falling. i wouldn't say i stomped it, i definitely didn't ride out clean, but nonetheless it was a really good ride for me. fingers crossed for some more launch ramps at OB tomorrow morning.
one day i'll be able to boost like this....riiiight